Introducing a new line of optical spectroscopy instruments and software for a complete solution in materials characterization and research in multiple fields.
Trusted by companies and research institutions around the World

Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy that works
Porto's nano-Raman module and the novel PTTP Tips were designed by TERS specialists, achieving new levels of optical efficiency in near-field operation.
Confocal optical microscopy configuration for optimized signal collection efficiency in a completely user-customizable optical path.

Without PORTO

Modern Control Software
Porto ships with a modern control software focused on usability and flexibility, enpowering the user to enjoy the full extent of the instrument's capabilities.

Groundbreaking Analysis Software
Take advantage of the completely customizable PortoFlow data analysis software, creating complex analysis by combining nodes.

Driven by a Porto TERS System, researchers from Japan, USA, Belgium & Brazil proved possible, for the first time, the use of optics, to probe the vibrational modes of a reconstructed lattice of twisted bilayer graphene, below the magic angle. Such achievement earned the team the cover of Nature journal.
The study of graphene and MoS2 homojunctions using a Porto TERS System also achieved high recognition by The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, portraying the article on the issue's cover.
Porto was also used to study inflammatory processes in brain tissues induced by amyloid plaques; doping characterization, mechanical deformations, and the impact of the substrate in bidimensional materials; plasmonic properties of nanostructures; nanometrology; spatial coherence length in GaS; electron-phonon interaction; graphene defect metrology.
Reach out to us in order to discuss how we can contribute to your research!
For any information regarding our products and services, please reach us via email at nano@fabns.com.br or via the form below: